The Best moments that will last a lifetime*RECRUITMENT SPECIAL*

Hello girlies,

It’s that time of year again for recruitment and I am so honored to be able to share with you all my experience when I was a new girl. I joined Diamond Sweethearts my second semester of freshman year back in 2019. Joining Diamond Sweethearts was one of the best decisions I had ever made and I wish I had joined my very first semester of college instead of my second! That’s how much I love this organization! I realize now that joining one semester earlier would not have made a difference because no amount of time will ever be enough with these girls, and I know that all these amazing ladies are going to be apart of my life forever!

When reading about this organization online and on instagram, I was a little hesitant to go through recruitment because we had to go through an Interview process with the officer board first, and then through a Meet & Greet Interview with the entire organization. I was a little hesitant because coming into college, I was very shy, timid, and scared to put myself out there. At that time, I was always so nervous to meet new people, but if you look at me now, you would see a completely different person. When going into the interview room with the officer board, I was so nervous because I was not sure how all the girls were going to be. Once I got into the room, I was greeted by the most sweet and kind hearted girls ever, and the room was filled with so much positive energy. I knew at that moment, I was in the right place and had no reason to be nervous. Once I got to Meet & Greet, I knew this organization was meant for me! Meeting so many girls at one time was a little overwhelming but that was also the day where I met my best friends for life, my bridesmaids, and future children’s godparents!

Coming to a college in a different city where I only knew a couple people was very nerve wreaking for me, but Diamond Sweethearts has made my college experience something that I will always remember and will always be proud to look back on. This organization has so much to offer you if you’re willing to put the effort into it. My best advice for going into recruitment and for potential new members is to just be yourselves, have an open heart, and talk to everyone at interviews/meet & greet. You’re going to meet so many beautiful girls who can become your best friends in an instant. My best friend and I met at meet & greet when we were both going through recruitment. We randomly started talking to each other, and now we are inseparable. I truly believe she is my sole sister because of how alike we really are. It’s crazy to look back on how many amazing memories I have made with all of my life long friends. This organization believes in empowering women and building lifelong friendships; and that is exactly what I have experienced during my time here as a Diamond Sweetheart. It’s going to be extremely hard to leave this organization when I graduate this spring, but I know I’m never really leaving this organization because of all the beautiful friendships and memories that I have made. I owe everything to Diamond Sweethearts for what it has brought me, and I can’t wait to meet more of you beautiful ladies in the fall and spring!

XOXO- Kristin Rios <3