Hispanic Heritage Month

Diamond Sweethearts is a diverse student organization at Texas State, made up of strong and empowering women. Together as an organization, we love to recognize what makes each and every member unique, and the value of how being different brings us together. This month we would like to recognize Hispanic Heritage Month and give our members the opportunity to discuss what Hispanic Heritage Month means to them and how they are celebrating it!

Aliana Reyes

Hispanic Heritage Month to me is a time to focus on the contribution of Hispanic culture. That could be through music, art, fashion, or literature. Seeing others embrace the culture means a lot. Especially when I look back on the hardships minorities have faced to feel accepted. As I see growth I feel proud of my background and the evolution of society. Currently, I am reading “The House of the Spirits,” by author Isabel Allende as a way to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month. Contributing to other Hispanic’s dreams is my small way of celebrating this month. I plan on reading other books by Hispanic authors to focus on hispanic literature.

Jessica Navejas


For me, celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month is paying tribute to the sacrifices and successes made by my ancestors, all of which have influenced who I am and the opportunities I have today. As a first-generation college student and the granddaughter of immigrants, I strive hard to succeed and to make my family proud as I am fortunate to experience the chances that they were unable to. I want to spend a weekend celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month with my family, my grandparents, and surround myself with my culture. I will always work to honor my ancestors by embracing my culture and providing possibilities for success through their sacrifices because I am extremely proud to be Hispanic.

Mara Perez

What Hispanic Heritage Month means to me is a whole month celebrating my culture and valuing the sacrifices that my family has made for my little sister and I to have the opportunities that my parents didn’t. This month brings me so much pride and joy about being Mexican and being able to share that within my community makes this world so diverse. I celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by being with my family and friends, listening to music and of course, having cook outs. And surrounding myself by my rich Mexican heritage. I love being Mexican and in a way, I celebrate it every day by speaking my native language. That’s a main reason why I also want to become a bilingual teacher, is to give back to my community and spreading more bilingualism in the world. 

Steph Gomez

Hispanic Heritage Month means a lot to me because I get to embrace and share my culture. Growing up in a South Texas border town, I was around people that looked like me and we all had very similar upbringings due to our Mexican heritage. I sort of lived in a bubble with only living with predominantly Mexican people. When I moved away from home, I was around more diversity, cultures, and races. This allowed me to really appreciate my Mexican roots and be proud of who I am and where I come from. I celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month by showing even more of my Mexican pride and attempting to cook my favorite Mexican dishes that my abuela makes. Hispanic Heritage Month is also a reminder that as a first-generation Latina woman, I will be successful and overcame any obstacles.